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Setting New Standards for Civil Nuclear Industry Supply

Diffusion Alloys has been granted Fit For Nuclear (F4N) status by the Nuclear AMRC and Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS).

F4N granting provides recognition that DAL’s operations meet the critical standards required to supply to the civil nuclear industry.

The granting followed rigorous assessment, validation and support by the Nuclear AMRC of DAL’s business strategy, people and process excellence, health and safety and quality management systems.Lisa Randall, Managing Director commented, “Granting of Fit for Nuclear status will provide visibility of and confidence in Diffusion Alloys to the sourcing representatives of the nuclear supply chain. Our diffusion coating technologies are highly specialised and metal degradation of the forms that our coating resolves can be unpredictable at the design stage.

Granting of Fit for Nuclear status will make is easier for corrosion engineers and metallurgists in the nuclear supply chain to make contact with Diffusion Alloys for technical support. We are grateful to the experts at the Nuclear AMRC for their support and expertise in helping us achieve this strategic goal.”

For more information, please click here to contact Diffusion Alloys.